“The Language of God” - What a "God's-eye" view (or "Eagle's-eye" view, if you prefer) would look like. Perhaps something like (but still far inferior from) a way in which we would communicate from such a vantage-point.
Uniting some thoughts expressed previously as part of the "descendent knowledge domains returning to revitalize philosophy" methodology.
These are the building blocks of 3DL:
A Predicate, a Type, is a 3-Dimensional entity which is instanced by being placed into a 3-Dimensional Space.
For those familiar with philosophical metaphysics or those familiar with software tools like AutoCAD (where a GUI with pattern Types are “dragged onto” a canvas to create a specific “copy”).
This should come as no surprise since such visualization tools and their attendant programming languages are meta-languages for a host of language families.
All of set theory can be expressed in English and Microsoft Word, all of category theory can be expressed in Draw.io, etc.
This is the very definition of a meta-language - a top-level language within which more-specific languages can be built (whether combinations of pixels, fragments of a language, new math theories, etc.). It's a mathematical property of these tools that contributes to their wide-spread use and flexibility - particularly for creatives.
In this language, people communicate by concatenating sequences of Spaces forming Propositions.
Each 3-Dimensional Space is a set of 2-Dimensional pointless topologies. Each 2-Dimensional space is written using Connection Theory.
Tense is captured by natural orderings (temporal sequences) of each 3-Dimensional Space.
Formally, a quick sketch of the lexicon of 3DL:
The grammar of 3DL: Combinations of Types as Instances in Spaces.
The semantics of 3DL: The truth of a Proposition
is given by its invariance with or isomorphism to other PropositionsR
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